Association law

With the law firm Königstraße you will also find the right contact person in the field of association law. We advise both small associations in the start-up phase and large umbrella organizations with several thousand members on all legal issues in the area of association law.

Our consulting services range from the formation of an association, the drafting or amendment of its articles of association, liability issues to the imminent withdrawal of legal capacity or non-profit status. We adapt your articles of association individually to your wishes and interests. By adapting the articles of association to your specific needs and to the applicable law, disputes within the association can be avoided in advance. But also in case of already existing disputes we represent your interests and show you ways of conflict resolution.

Foreign associations benefit from our correspondence languages as well as our contacts to interpreters in order to develop multilingual regulations for them, if necessary.

Due to the broad orientation of our law firm, we are also able to advise you comprehensively and competently with regard to legal issues related to association life (construction law, tenancy law, tax law, Internet law, mediation).

As a registered or unregistered association, you are generally subject to taxation and therefore also have notification and cooperation obligations. In particular, the tax treatment of donations and membership fees repeatedly raises questions in practice. We inform you about the requirements for the deduction of donations and advise you on the most important changes of the reform of the non-profit status. We also help them with the correct accounting of the exercise leader and new honorary office allowance.

We also show them the various options if the association is threatened with dissolution or the opening of insolvency proceedings in the event of over-indebtedness.

Since 2009, an association can also file claims in court itself and not only be sued, § 50 Abs. 2 ZPO. If you wish, the Königstraße law firm will be your legal representative to protect your rights.

Our lawyers are themselves active members in a large number of associations and have both co-founded their own associations and taken on board activities.

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