Administrative law

You have trouble with the authorities? The office has rejected your application? In the broadest sense, administrative law covers every action, every notice, every measure in which the state is involved in the form of offices and authorities. We advise you on all aspects of administrative law, such as registration, immission control and aliens law, but also in the areas of monument protection law and tax law.

The area of aliens law primarily concerns advice on obtaining residence permits, avoiding deportations and, for example, enabling family reunification.

If you have a concern regarding the remodeling of a listed building, or if you want to defend yourself against conditions imposed by the monument authorities, you are just as welcome here as in the problem area of municipal charges, in particular the law on development contributions, i.e. when it comes to the question of how you can defend yourself against a new or an increase in an existing financial charge on your property.

But you are also welcome to contact us in questions of environmental and municipal law.

Appointment representation

You are a representative of a law firm or active as a lawyer yourself and cannot attend a court date in the Stuttgart area? We are happy to represent your clients in court.

Learn more

In charge for Administrative law:

Jetzt anrufen: 0711 2483830
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