Family law

Family law regulates the legal relationships of persons connected by marriage, family and kinship. We will be happy to help you with all questions concerning, for example, the drafting of a marriage contract. If you are undecided whether the matrimonial property regime of community of gains should be maintained or the separation of property or community of property should be agreed upon, we are your contact. We are also happy to support and advise you out of court during the separation and in the run-up to a divorce.

Since a divorce by mutual consent offers the possibility of ending a marriage with dignity and decency, we always try to work towards a divorce by mutual consent first. However, if an agreement cannot be reached, we will of course continue the proceedings by litigation.

Therefore, we also advise and represent you in court disputes in all areas to be settled, such as separation and divorce, alimony, parental custody and contact, equalization of gains, pension equalization and challenges to paternity. Family law has many connections to other areas of law, such as inheritance law. Due to the versatile orientation of our law firm, we are able to provide you with competent advice in these areas as well.

Appointment representation

You are a representative of a law firm or active as a lawyer yourself and cannot attend a court date in the Stuttgart area? We are happy to represent your clients in court.

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In charge for Family law:

Jetzt anrufen: 0711 2483830
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